HTML X CSS X Art Concept X RWD
In order to set the demonstration base of technology application and innovative experiment, National Central Library specially constructed the Open Lab Multimedia Center which creates a cross-domain cooperation space field that establishes a platform for learning, creation and communication.
網頁製作 Production | 春沐國際 Chun-Mu Studio
專案企劃 Project Planning | 劉致瑩 Amber Lu、張家寧 Ruby Chang
專案經理 Project Manager | 劉致瑩 Amber Lu
字體設計 Font Design | 鄭雅方 Ivy Jheng
介面設計 UI Design | 鄭雅方 Ivy Jheng
角色設定 Character Design | 鄭雅方 Ivy Jheng
插畫 Intro Illustration | 鄭雅方 Ivy Jheng
前端程式 Front-end engineers | 鄭雅方 Ivy Jheng
後端程式 Back-end engineer | 劉致瑩 Amber Lu